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LM555 Timer Kits
This sections includes all kits that have a LM555 Timer IC in them.
LED Lightning Effect Kit (#12163)
LM555 Astable (Free-Running) Kit #1 (#11689)
LM555 Timer Monostable (One-Shot) Kit #1 (#11701)
Timer with Relay Kit (#1745)
Timer Projects Kit with Solderless Breadboard & Book (#7369)
PWM Motor Controller Kit
Switchable Power Supply 2 Amps (#5626)
Adjustable Timer with 12v Relay (#5496)
Adjustable Timer with 9v Relay (#5490)
Audio / Timer / Voltage Comparator Kit #1 (#1100)
Laser Pointer Relay Kit, 12v (#1735)
Laser Pointer Relay Kit, 6v
Laser Pointer Relay Kit, 9v
LED Dummy Alarm Kit
LF351 & LM555 IC Kit (#1280)
LM324 & LM555 DIP IC Kit (#1400)
LM324 & LM555 Enhanced IC Kit (#1402)
LM555 Timer Development Kit (#1710)
LM556 Dual Timer IC Kit (#1500)
LM741 & LM555 DIP Design Kit (#1525)
Motor PWM Solderless Breadboard Kit (with Motor) (#4187)
PIC 8-Pin Development Kit, 12v Relay (#2090)
PIC 8-Pin Development Kit, 9v Relay
Piezo Siren Solderless Breadboard Kit
Sound Activated Relay Kit - 12v (#2304)
Sound Controlled Relay Kit - 9v
Timer with Adjustable ON & OFF Times, 12v Relay (#5507)
Timer with Adjustable ON & OFF Times, 18v Relay (#5502)
Timer with Adjustable ON & OFF Times, 5v Relay (#5478)
Timer with Adjustable ON & OFF Times, 6v Relay (#5484)
TL026 DIP IC Design Kit (#1845)
TL061 Single JFET Op Amp Design Kit (#1855)
TL062 JFET Dual Op Amp Design Kit (#1860)
TL070 Op Amp IC Design Kit (#1870)
TL071 JFET Op Amp IC Design Kit (#1875)
TL592 Differential Video Op Amp Kit (#1905)
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