About NightFire Electronics, LLC

NightFire Electronics LLC was founded by an Electronic Engineer to be a source where other Electronic Engineers, Technicians, Hobbyists, Teachers, Students, and anybody else could get a useful assortment of SMT & Thru-Hole components at a reasonable cost. Along the way, we decided to design our own PCB circuits and offer them at a great price. Our goal then, and still is today, is to put together a meaningful collection of electronic kits made of passive parts centered on an active component and offer it at a great price. We have been doing just that since October 2000.

The mission at NightFire is to continue to develop and offer Engineering Kits, Electronic Kits, and Hobby Kits at reasonable prices. Email or call us with any suggestions for kits you would like to see.

We are now a 100% online Electronic Hobby Store shipping out of Ocala, FL.

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