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Arduino Sensors
These are Sensors that are compatible with the various Arduino modules.
HC-05 Bluetooth Module (#10751)
NF Sensor Board - Flame Sensor Switch (#12277)
NF Sensor Board - Magnetic Reed Switch (#12293)
NF Sensor Board - Mercury Switch Sensor (#12285)
NF Sensor Board - Sound Sensor (#12297)
NF Sensor Board - Tilt Switch (#12289)
16 Channel Touch PAD Sensor (#10711)
16-channel A/D Mux Breakout
AD/DA Converter Sensor Module
Antenna Wireless Transceiver 2.4GHz
Digital Light Intensity Sensor Module (BH1750FVI)
HC-SR04 Ranging Detector Mod Distance Sensor
Heartbeat Detector Sensor Module
IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module
Knock Vibration Sensor Module (#10415)
MQ2 Propane Ethanol Gas Sensor Detection Module
MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Detection Module
Opto-Interrupter Speed Detection Module
Photosensitive Resistance Sensor Module
PIR Human Sensor Module (HC-SR501)
Rain Water Level Sensor Module
Rotary Encoder Module (#10377)
Single Capacitive Touch Switch Module
Sound Sensor Detection Module
Tilt Switch Module
Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
Infrared Controller and Hx1838 Receiver
Joystick Game Controller
NF-Arduino Multiple Sensors Shield Kit
NF-Arduino Sensor Shield Kit - PhotoCells
NF-Arduino Sensor Shield Kit - Tilt Switch
Thin Relay Module 12V (#7291)
Thin Relay Module 6V (#7287)
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